PRODUCTS > ANTENNAS > 11 mt band

Optional: Kit 12 elements quad for 144Mhz band 130,00 € (iva incl.)
By adding this kit it is possible to have a 12 elements for 144 Mhz on the same boom
Costruction features
The boom is in 2mm/0.07in thick 60x60mm/2.36in aluminum. The elements are supplied already complete
with their supports, this allows for quick and easy assembly. The rods are in fiberglass and made
according to Status Quad specifications, already amply illustrated in the appropriate section "rods"

The connection to the mast is ensured by a specially milled aluminum plate to create a housing
stable and safe for the boom and avoid any movement. The U-bolts are in 316 A4 stainless steel and saddle in
aluminum which greatly increases the grip on the must. All the hardware is obviously in 316 stainless steel
A4 also suitable for places near the sea.

The loops consist of a custom made braid, 3mm diameter and high aluminum alloy mechanical strength.
The connection to the elements takes place through supports designed and printed by Status Quad
in self-lubricating and UV resistant plastic material. These supports avoid holes in the rods and
simplify installation and subsequent calibration.